Saturday, March 14, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies

This time of year it is impossible to avoid Girl Scout cookies, dammit! Everybody at work has some to sell, if not, they want to share them with you.

When you are trying to avoid carbs the last things you want to see is those damn Girl Scout cookies.

It's hard enough to get through the holidays, then, just when you think you are home free, they drag you back in.

I can usually pass all of them up except Samoas. I know, I know, they don't call them Samoas anymore. They call them Caramel De-lites. I can assure you that there is nothing "light" about them.

Samoas are the crack cocaine of cookies.

I found out how to make them on the internet. (How I love the internet, you can find anything you want to know on there, also a lot of things you never wanted to see ever).

They basically start with a shortbread cookie. So already you're talking about a lot of butter and sugar.

Then they take caramels, coconut, and chocolate, carb-laden sugar bombs all, melt them, and pile them on top of the shortbread cookie.

I am surprised that they don't sell these things in dark alleys.

Thank goodness the Girl Scout drive is almost over. Of course, now that I have the recipe....


  1. But you're too lazy to make them, so I guess you're waiting until next year for the cookies. :)

  2. You come on my blog to burn me about being to lazy to make cookies.......You're so cruel. Remember, I know where to find you!
