Monday, August 15, 2011

Jose Luis, the world's most articulate baby...

Cute video by seriously funny regular guy.

Check out other videos on his Youtube channel.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Whale likes to boogie!

I'm so loving on this video.

First of all, I'm freakin' loving that the mariachi band is playing "Downtown."

Second, the whale is dancing!

I understand that experts have weighed in and insist that the whale is not dancing.

Oh, what do they know!

Enjoy the cute dancing beluga whale!

Almost Frank Sinatra

Wow, this guy sounds just like Frank!

Makes me want to foxtrot (sigh).

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Good things

Just had to share this.  Check out this link to ABC news.

A little boy shows a great generosity of spirit.

I was particularly touched by his reference to what he was taught at home.  Moms and Dads, I know what you do is so hard, but it is so worth it.

As Ian says, "If you do good things, good things happen to you."

So true, Ian, so true.