Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blues dancing

I have a new fascination! Blues Dancing!

It's almost impossible to describe. It's an odd mixture of a very slow jitterbug, a very rhythmic tango, and freestyle.

I love watching it and I have got to try it! Besides, I'm for any dance style that partners actually touch and men have to lead. :P

Here's a few examples.

These two are practicing for the first time. Unbelievable.

These two are too cute for words.

These two are experts who teach.


Friday, April 24, 2009

It's a nice day...

"You should go outside, it's such a nice day."

I can't count the times I have heard that phrase.

I don't get it.

I am 51, ergo, I have seen a lot of nice days.

Nice days are pretty much all the same, aren't they? Is there some reason why I have to rush outside and see another one?

Are nice days vanishing like the polar icecaps? I don't think so. I think there is pretty much a stockpile of nice days available. Isn't it basically nice from May through October?

Besides, how do they know I like nice days? Nice days to me, quite frankly, have a certain boring blandness to them. A Miss America kind of sameness that bores me to tears.

Now give me a gloomy wet November evening and I'm in heaven.

Dark, wet, streaming skies. The blissful contrast between the dank wetness of outside and the cozy haven of inside.

Now that's worth going outside for...